Mending & Redefining Us
Service Description
“Mending and Redefining Us” Workshop is designed for those who are in unions or marriages that may be going through or have gone through the storms and are dancing on the rocks of life’s ever-changing seasons. The workshop addresses a broad spectrum of issues relating to being married or in a committed union. Content Emphasis: The following subjects are covered in this workshop, finding oneself, finding each other, hurt (Cheating, abuse and deleterious behaviour that may cause one partner hurt and harm), Importance of forgiveness, reattaching and recommitting, identifying causes of conflict and resolving it at root, effective communication, sex and intimacy and many more. Process Emphasis: Delivery of the demarcated content into practicality; subjects are covered in an interactive manner to allow participants to chat and do activities, a great way to learn and process new insights, also empowering the workshop participant. Overall purposes and outcomes of this workshop are: Improve and enhance relations between couples Turn conflict and confrontation to effective communication and conversation Maximize the potential of all aspect of the couple’s relationship Tackle deleterious behaviour at its root and encourage participants to effect remedial action Address intimacy issues and many more. Investment: $800
Cancellation Policy
Contact Details
Pretoria, South Africa
+27 (0) 68 358 6577